
About Us

About Us2020-10-21T17:40:17+00:00
Act One A Cave Drawing

Act 1

There was a cave drawing.

Act 2

Our founder went to the other cave people and said, “Hey did you guys see those drawings in the cave?”

Act 3

We started covering even more local news stories for the cave people.

Act 4

We developed really good yelling voices to distribute news.

Act 5

Turns out yelling voices give away your position to the sabretooth tiger.

Act 6

Sabretooth tiger eats our customer base.

Act 7

We decided the best way to deliver news is by internet.  Sabretooth tigers don’t hear the internet.

Act 8

We created fire.

Act 9

We created the wheel.

Act 10

Gave fire and the wheel to neighboring tribes.

Act 11

Waited tens of thousands of years for technology to develop into the internet.

Act 12

Now we’re back covering local news with our deep dives into investigative journalism.

Modern Day Origin Told Through the Squirrel Saga

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