Regrettably, the world cup is never run through the dishwasher before the masses drink heavily of its libations.

No one knows the true origin of soccer but there is a universal truth throughout all of human history: people like kicking stuff. Ancient China had Cujo, Japan had kemari, Rome had harpastum, the Inuits had aqsatqtuk and on and on and on. During our countless hours of not researching anything we believe the true origin is laziness. Who has time to bend over and pick something up? Just kick it over there.

Darwin is rolling in his grave knowing we evolved thumbs but refuse to use them.

This societal laziness to not want to pick anything up has bled into modern day soccer where the entire world enjoys watching grown adults run around a field while uselessly pumping arms that aren’t even allowed to grasp a ball.

The World Cup has been held since 1930 and there are concerns that the cup has never truly been washed. After 92 years one can only imagine the germs caked all over that rim of victory.

Which brings us to history’s favorite form of laziness. Slavery. Why bother advancing technology and societal systems when you can just throw endless human pain and suffering at something to complete the task? Slavery comes in many flavors just like ice cream. There is indentured servitude, starvation wages, feudalism, bondage (no not the one you’re thinking), forced labor camps, prison labor, chain gangs and more.

Conspiracy theorists are convinced FIFA stands for Freedom is Fiscally Appalling.

The Qatar population is comprised of 77% migrant worker in which human rights organizations have found many instances of unpaid wages, forced labor in desert heat, and inability to leave their jobs due to the country’s sponsorship program. Which makes the decision not to serve alcohol even more baffling. Why would you want us sober when we could be ignorantly drunk overlooking your poor working conditions?

Qatar leadership has used the respect our culture strategy to defend their exploitations which I myself have adopted for multiple scenarios. For example, when my neighbor gets mad when I enter his house and take food from his fridge, when stores tell me hey you have to pay for that and when people get into my taxi and I don’t drop them off at their destination until they finish writing my article so I can meet my deadline.

While this may not be our most happy go lucky article we believe we needed to take time to mention this very important global issue. While the world is constantly discussing human rights not a single voice is stepping up to bring human lefts to the forefront. While lefties may not be forced to drink from separate water fountains, we do force them to use their own lefty scissors, computer mice, can openers and etc…


Let’s not be lazy. If we don’t do what is right, then what will be left?