Catcalling, ogling, constant requests to “honk their horn,” these are all things truck drivers probably deal with on a daily basis. Veterans of the highways, truckers make our country possible delivering goods from state to state. Some might say they are the lifeblood of our nation. From this standpoint it is totally understandable why they are considered so sexy but maybe we shouldn’t be treating truck drivers like eye candy. Maybe they have more depth beyond surface level.

The situation has gotten so bad that truck drivers have designated trucker diners and designated dating apps like trucker passions where they can avoid us common folk and relax in a safe space of their own.

What’s that? You don’t think truck drivers are overly sexualized? Well if that was true why did Dwayne Johnson play a truck driver in his 2013 hit, Snitch? Did you know Snitch is considered Dwayne Johnson’s highest grossing movie of all time when you ignore everyone of his movies that made over $43 million internationally and domestically?

I will provide two more scenarios of this sexualization so you can better see the type of thing truckers have to do deal with day to day. I know you may be saying to yourself, only two? Why not more examples? Were those the only two examples the journalist could find? And to that, I have to say the internet is a big place and I bet there are more examples out there. Here at I Hope This Is News we encourage the choose your own adventure approach to news articles.

For our first example we got to Foxy Brown’s song I’ll Be. Within the song she says, and I quote, “My sex drive all night like a trucker.” And you don’t think truck drivers are overly sexualized? According to Foxy Brown the sexual requirements of a trucker are to have the endurance to perform from say 9pm to when the sun comes up around 6am. Obviously this may vary due to daylight savings and the current season of the year but it still speaks to a godlike fortitude beyond any champion of an ultra-marathon. While there are most likely truckers out their capable of this type of stamina it is not fair to consider it to be the standard.

Example number two: Chris Brown’s Strip. Within Chris Brown’s song Strip, which I assume is about a strip mall, he states “Then back it up, beep beep, like a trucker.” Through countless hours of research and hundreds of times re-watching the music video I have come to the conclusion that his beep beep is in reference to women backing up their posterior like a carrier pigeon finding its home. It took weeks for me to make the right Venn diagram but once adjusted properly I see what Chris Brown was getting at. Truckers are so hot that a woman’s behind should be flattered to be compared to the reverse motion of a truck backing into its final destination to be unloaded of product. None of us can fault Mr. Brown on such a comparison but maybe, just maybe, it’s not fair to the truck driver. Sometimes maybe we shouldn’t be sexualizing their job and rather focus on the functionality and the societal benefits we achieve by their efforts.

Truckers are essential workers in our society. They overcome the tribulations of borders to bring us the comforts and conveniences that we take for granted on a daily basis. Instead of properly appreciating their efforts we say things like “why are you in the passing lane right now! Move the *expletive deleted*over!” which I’m assuming is a sexual innuendo. A necessary part of our society, maybe one day truckers will be seen as people just like us and not always desired for their body.