It is improbable that when Martin Luther King Jr said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” he saw the rise of the content creator.

Sadly, these content creators have not arisen to the challenge. Divided on social movements to support, disjointed messages have proliferated the radio waves or whatever form of media people use to get their information. In the words of the great wrestler, Abraham Lincoln, who won 299 out of 300 matches over the course of 12 years, “a house divided cannot stand.”

Which brings us to the unification of social movements. A movement to end all other movements. The core of every movement is the same and MLK saw it in his dream. Judgement pertaining to content of their character.

Content Of Character.


This world needs but one movement. It does not matter your gender, race, sexuality. All that matters is your C.O.C.

As we support our disorganized causes we are all essentially asking for the same thing. We march, we assemble, we shout, we plead, we stress the importance of quality C.O.C.

Nothing else matters.

When a political figure takes the stage asking for our vote, we ask but one thing. Show us your C.O.C.

When an actor pleads for us to save the environment but gallivants around the world on a private jet, well we have concerns about the rigidness of their C.O.C. As is too often the case, all talk, no follow through.

The weak-willed leaders of the world prey on our disunity in hopes that we argue with each other rather than fully examine the unsatisfactory state of their C.O.C. They present us options to support one micro C.O.C. over another and we yell at one another for preferring the other shallow C.O.C. when the joke is on us because we’re all walking away unsatisfied.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Abandon your niche movement and take a step onto the world stage. Look not upon the physical trappings that adorn the bones of the potential leader in front of you but rather demand of them the C.O.C. that will satisfy the needs of the people.