Pyramids are universal shapes ingrained in our DNA like a buried truth finally blooming. Ancient civilizations, independent of one another, all had the same idea to construct a pyramid. Egyptian or Mayan Pyramids, the Monks Mound in the United States, Kushite pyramids, Koh Ker in Cambodia and so on. If pyramids are the three-sided truth then it is the kickball diamond that stands as the four-sided revelation. Independently ancient civilizations developed the game of kickball and set about weaving it into their belief structure and way of life.

In Greece, making it back to home plate was the symbolic achievement of climbing Mt Olympus. The mandatory drinking during the game is to honor the Cult of Dionysus.

In Japan, it was the physical embodiment of the Book of Five Rings written by the great samurai Miyamoto Musashi. First base was earth, second water, third fire, home air and the journey around the bases itself was the Book of the Void.

To the Mongolians a powerful kick deep into the outfield represented breaking through the Great Wall of China.

In Spain the running of the bull ceremony is a metaphor for kickball, the bull being the ball and the people running to the next base trying to avoid getting tagged out.

Some believe The Egg in Albany, New York is an ancient kickball trophy carved from the Rocky Mountains and hauled over land to its place above the Hudson because the Mohawk Indians won a 5,000 tribe kickball tournament. This makes Albany’s Empire State Kickball League the archetype of modern-day kickball as it sprouted from the shadows of The Egg and the glory of kickball’s past.

No matter where you grew up somewhere in the history of your land there is a kickball creation myth. In most field positioning a shortstop is brought in to stand next to the pitcher to cover bunting.  In some languages this position is translated as “monster”. Named after Grendel in the Beowulf myth of England. Beowulf is also where we find the modern-day kickball motto:

Let whoever can win glory before death

If there’s anything the past 8,000 years has taught us, it’s kickball isn’t a sport it’s a way of life. Shaolin Monks are said to meditate in mass groups for hours. Playing infinite kickball games in their minds each kick of the ball kicking them closer to enlightenment.

The universal truth is the kickball diamond is a representation of the four stages of enlightenment:

First Base: Sotapanna

Second Base: Sakadagami

Third Base: Anagami

Home Base: Arahant

Upon reaching home plate, Arahant, you become a fully awakened person. One with the universe and free of the endless death and rebirth cycle of samsara.

In the dugout of every kickball game is a sharing of ideas so perceptive you walk away with a greater understanding of the universe. These sage-like conversations unfold as follows:

Begin Scene

Kickballer 1: So you from around here?

Kickballer 2: Yeah I live about 15 minutes away.

Kickballer 1: That’s cool, how’s traffic getting here?

Kickballer 2: Fine.

Kickballer 1: That’s cool. So what are you drinking?

Kickballer 2: Beer.

Kickballer 1: That’s cool, me too!

Kickballer 2: That’s cool that’s cool.

End Scene

Some say all the stars and planets of our endless universe are the kickballs of the gods and the big bang that started our universe was the first home run ever kicked.

In this connected world we live in any game of kickball played anywhere on our planet brings us all a little closer to nirvana. For the fate of humanity, if you aren’t playing kickball, join a league. If you are playing, don’t stop. We’re on this journey together: Kickball, the future of humanity and ultimate wisdom.