The world is ripe with propaganda and misconceptions that bury the acorns of truth in our world. Truth isn’t always pretty and it isn’t always what you want to hear but deserves a high standing in a civilized society. It is those that try to undermine our freedom and attack our character that rely on propaganda and half-truths.

In the early 1800s France and Britain did not share a standardized system of measurement. While Napoleon was 5’2” in French feet he was 5’7” in English feet making him a little above average height for his time period. This has led to Napoleon being portrayed harshly as the size of a mouse in credible and popular shows such as the cartoon Pinky and the Brain.

You can’t see the Great Wall of China from space so if you’re to travel off our planet make sure it’s for a different intention. How many space tourists have wasted tens of thousands of dollars to take pictures of the Great Wall only to be disappointed when they couldn’t see it from outside the atmosphere.

Goldfish do not have three second memories. How much has this misconception affected the lack of funding we put towards goldfish education? Goldfish could be the drug sniffing dogs of the ocean if only we believed in their potential but alas we have been tricked to think otherwise

Bulls don’t hate the color red. Matador’s probably just really like it. Which would be really good for the relatives of matadors to know when buying them clothes for Christmas.

You can touch baby birds and their moms will still take them back. So many baby chicks ignored and missed out on human cuddles because of the widespread use of this myth. And we wonder why pigeons hate us…

Chameleons don’t change color based on surroundings. They change color based on mood. It is believed Kanye West was trying to bring this fallacy to light when he said, “I’m just trying to change the color on your mood ring.” How many chameleons have we ignored when they were just trying to open up to us?

If misconceptions were water we would be drowning. Imagine reading news stories you wont hear anywhere else in the world from angles you never even considered and seeing millions of critics call it a blog. Don’t let the world devalue your news source. Napoleon wasn’t short and this is not a blog.