What is a hoe? We’ve asked farmers and pimps this age-old question but due to word count constraints we combined their answers below and so it’s up to you, the reader, to decipher whether the description came from a pimp or a farmer. After many hours of research and interviews, we present to you, a hoe:

A hoe is a tool that helps tend to the cash crop. There’s no point in a hoe if there’s no return on investment. Is it the only tool? No, but when optimized the seeds of future fortunes are properly sown.

It’s built sturdy and durable. Because of its importance, you might think a hoe needs special storing conditions but you can actually leave a hoe in the shed with everything else. Hoes have a lot of good years in them before they need to be discarded and replaced.

If you want to expand your territory keeping good care of your hoe is essential. There is no point in an expanding business if you don’t maintain a quality hoe. Even then, while you may be up to the task, your hoe could break under the increased workload. In some cases, it’s more optimal to acquire multiple hoes knowing each hoe can only deal with so much strain in a given day. One hoe just isn’t enough and backup hoes become necessary for expansion. That doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorite.

A hoe may be an inanimate object but you spend so much time together you begin to think the hoe has thoughts and feelings of its own. Smacking a hoe on the ground in a moment of exasperation may seem unproductive but let me tell you, it can definitely help relieve some stress.

At the end of the day, the proper utilization of the hoe pays the mortgage. Hoes get that lettuce and bring in that green green. If at this point you’re still questioning the value of a hoe, well then, you’re trifling.

And, if after reading this article you related more to a pimp than a farmer, well that says a lot about the state of farming in our country.